BOOK NOW Thank you for choosing us! Here you can book your stay at Park Plazza Hotel. The booking confirmation will arrive to you via e-mail. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information. Welcome! Search Check-in: Check-out: Adults: Children: Check-in Check-out Adults 12345 Children 012345 Searching… Enter your detailsFirst name*Last name*Email*Phone*Address line 1CityZip codeCountry0Discount:Amount:Amount type:Fixed (€)Percentage€ Reservation summary Thanks for your reservation! We confirm that we have received your payment and have just sent you a confirmation email at with the following details: Thanks for your reservation! We have just sent you a confirmation email at with the following details: Check-in: – Change Check-out: – Change Number of nights: Adults: – Change Children: – ChangeAccommodation: – ChangeAccommodation price: €Price includes:Options price: –€Coupon amount: €Discount amount: €Total price: € See you soon! See you soon! PaymentYou will be charged €There is no active payment gateways. Please activate at least one payment gateway in HBook settings (Hbook > Payment).Processing…Please double check your reservation details before clicking on “Book now”.